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Vacation for Chinese New Year

Release time:2016-12-19   The publisher:leopard

It is the end of 2016, Leopard Power wish all of you happy new year.
Sincerely hope 2017 would be a greater year between you and Leopard Power.

Our vacation for Chinese New Year:  Jan. 20th - Feb. 5th.
Leopard Power will be back stronger!

Thanks for all support.

                                                                                                 LEOPARD POWER TEAM
                                                                                                               Dec. 19th, 2016 

Prve:Mid-Autumn Festival Notice Next:Si-Graphene HV LiPo Batteries # Leopard Power new battery

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Company address : 5F,NO.906 Meilong Rd,Minzhi Sub-district,Shenzhen,518000 P.R.China

Factory address: Qijiang Industrial Park, Chongqing, P.R.China

  • Tel: 86-0755-2308 9121
  • The contact: Sales Team
  • Fax: 86-0755-2308 6535
  • Email: sales03@leopard-power.com
  • Mobile: +86 15170990426

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